Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

The Mercury Retrograde is from 23 August - 15 September.

We’re currently in the shadow period.


A lot will be getting revealed.

A lot of inner work/healing will be required of you.

Don’t go searching for answers/revelations, it’ll come to you by itself & act accordingly once it does.

2021 themes and cycles will be coming up.

If someone is meant to leave your life, let them leave and don’t cling on stubbornly.

- We’ll experience a lot of insomnia, use that time to connect spiritually and to pray/meditate/phahla

- Those that are spiritually inclined will be feeling heavy (usindwa), get migraines, ear ringing, back pains and cramps.

Some of these are symptoms of purging.

It’s in Virgo which rules the abdomen, bowels and the solar plexus.

Virgo also rules the 6th house of daily life, routine, health, hygiene, food, work, employees, service, skills, sickness and the working environment - expect issues/a shift with these during this time.

Back up your technology because lots of social media apps will glitch and be wary of miscommunication.

Double check your texts and don’t take everything personally, everyone is emotionally sensitive right now. 🫶🏽
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My ex dm’ed me in the morning 😂


Well this explains why my ears have been ringing SO MUCH more. Thank you for the insight 🙂

Thank you

Good day

The reading is absolutely 💯


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