New Moon In Cancer

New Moon In Cancer

We have a micro new moon in Cancer at 8:31PM CAT.

This Cancer new moon is a potent time of renewal and transformation! Manifestations made now will affect our lives profoundly over the next two years. We can expect old patterns, feelings and emotions to resurface -- this is normal and okay. It's a chance to heal on a deeper level and grow. Allow yourself to embrace the process, and take the necessary self-isolation and hermit-time to reflect and journey inward.

Discover the power of your emotions and use them to manifest your desires! This week, dreams will be more intense and prophetic, and you may be more tired or sluggish than usual. Remember to stay aware and mindful, and be aware that people's behavior may be unpredictable during this moon phase. Plus, emotions may be heightened and you may act impulsively or embarrassingly on social media, so take extra caution. Fertility is also high, so make sure you take all of the necessary precautions. Take advantage of this time and use it to find clarity and manifest your dreams!

Cancer-ruled areas like the breasts, chest and stomach may face issues this week. We can expect depression, digestion issues, nausea, body aches and even early periods or spotting. It's a water sign, so our intuition, emotions, and sense of security will be amplified!

- Check what house cancer and degree is in your chart to see how/what will be affected in your life on a personal level


- Do a burn ritual, write down everything that’s weighing you down and overwhelming you

- On another piece of paper, write down all that you wish to achieve and manifest this year

- Burn both papers and have a salt bath.

- Pray over your wish jar and leave it in the moonlight

- Collect some moon water ❤️
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