We have a new moon in Gemini at 06:37AM CAT tomorrow.
This moon is squaring neptune, the planet of delusion and confusion.
Be wary of anything that seems too good to be true and do not act on delusions/imaginations.
Things are going to be very chaotic and intense for the next few days.
People will be acting impulsively - observe and don’t absorb.
Lots of revelations, secrets and hidden motives will be getting exposed.
Gemini = duality, we will be indecisive for the next week and question the intention of all we do - especially relationships.
Use this time to reflect and close out old patterns, karmic cycles and to RELEASE all that’s no longer serving you. (You CAN NOT manifest during a void moon)
Be wary of miscommunication and arguments.
Moon effects are felt 3 days before, during & for 4 days after:
Expect to have stomach cramps, lethargy, nausea, headaches, be short tempered, loss of/gain an appetite & depression/anxiety + body pains.
We’ll be having very vivid + prophetic dreams for the next week, nostalgia, be emotional and get easily triggered until the 25th of June.
- Do some womb healing and some of you will spot/get your periods/have diarrhoea during this time
- Do shadow work & journal
- Do a burn ritual
- PRAY plus meditate
- Have a salt bath tomorrow night
Gemini rules the brain, lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders, hands, vocal cords, speech and fingers. Expect to have issues with those during this time
Pay close attention to your respiratory system & your throat chakra
- Limit/reduce smoking, steam regularly, we’ll be getting more phlegm, coughing & chest problems/heaviness, lots of brain fog & forgetfulness plus migraines and shoulder tension
- Crystals to use at this time = Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli & Angelite
- Herbs to use/steam with = frankincense, geranium, jasmine and lavender