Salt Water Ritual

Salt Water Ritual

- A glass filled with water
- 2 tablespoons of salt

*On the first Sunday of every month, fill the glass with tap water and add one tablespoons of salt.

Let it sit for an hour.

After an hour, wash your hands with the water and say, “salt is protective and will help me make my money multiply and never lack in my home..”

Take the same glass and add the other tablespoon of salt into it & set it in a corner in your house.

Leave for 24hrs then flush the salt mixture down the drain/toilet.

If you’re on your period, please don’t do it ladies and rather wait for the next month. 🙏🏾

- If you’ve got the Lotus Pes money bath salt use that instead and you’ll see! :) 
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1 comment

The second Salt spoon is poured in an empty glass? Or after washing my hands I leave a little bit of water to mix in the salt with?

Florah Mdodana

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