Void Moon in Gemini

Void Moon in Gemini

We currently have a Gemini stellium with our Sun, Moon and Mercury stationed in Gemini.

The moon is currently at 14° in Gemini and will be void tomorrow at 6:36AM CAT.

14° in Gemini = double, two and couples so take caution not everything will be as it seems for the next 2 days

Gemini moon’s make our general moods light, playful and extremely talkative - take caution not to say too much than necessary during this time.

Slow down as receptivity will be scattered during this moon phase and there will be a strong need for communication.

- A void moon slows everything down and makes us lethargic.

Anything initiated during a void moon won’t work out.

Do take some time out to:
⁃ Self care & pamper yourself
⁃ Brainstorm
⁃ Do shadow work & inner child healing (there are posts with these exercises on the website)

It will be best to avoid the following:
⁃ Doing any form of magic
⁃ Manifesting

* Things will seem more difficult during a void moon
* There’ll be unexpected changes to plans/arrangements
* You won’t make solid decisions
* Don’t make any business plans/send out emails/ask a crush out today as it won’t go well
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