Virgo New Moon 2022

Virgo New Moon 2022

New Moons are one of the most pivotal times of the month to set intentions, start a clean slate and manifest towards your future. New moons are when we plant and plan, whereas full moons are when we harvest, culminate energy + learn new and unexpected things.
They are a wonderful time to explore, brainstorm, journal, do research and meditate. A Virgo new moon is a great time to review one's health, whether that means reexamining your routine or even your feelings toward yourself.


The moon entered Virgo at 02:25AM CAT today in 4° and is in the new moon phase.

4° = macrobiotics/a healthy way of life.

Moon effects are felt 3 days before, during the moon changes & for about 4 days after:

- Expect to have stomach cramps, lethargy, nausea, headaches, be short tempered, loss of appetite & depression/anxiety attacks

- We will be having very vivid & intense dreams for the next week, nostalgia, be emotional and get triggered.

- Do some womb healing and those of you with physical wombs will spot/get your periods earlier

- Do shadow work, journaling & inner child healing

  • You’ll be feeling very overwhelmed, confused and fatigued until the 30th

* Virgo is associated with the solar plexus chakra, abdomen + intestines

* We’ll be prone to eating disorders, weight issues, ulcers and IBS

* Expect lots of revelations

* You’ll want to be right at all costs

* You’ll be analytical instead of emotional

* You’ll criticise everything

* You’ll lie easier 🌚

* You’ll be more efficient

* You’ll be pessimistic and fussy

* Virgo rules the 6th house of life, routine, health, hygiene, food, work, employees, service, skills, servants, small animals, clothing, sickness, working environment, skills, pets, animals and service

* Check the house number and degree Virgo is in your chart to see how you’ll get affected personally

- Chamomile, ginger & cinnamon are the best herbs to use for the next 3 days to help with any nausea, abdomen and intestinal issues arising from the full moon in Virgo. 

- Tiger’s Eye , Pyrite, Citrine & Lemon Quartz will benefit you for the next few days plus a crystal elixir.

- Virgo is associated with Mercury (communication, writing)


- Organisation is key.

- This energy will fill you with insight and discernment.

- Make a new vision board for the last few months of 2022 and set plans to achieve what’s left of your year

- Make a crystal grid to use tonight

- Have a daily to do list to help clear and declutter your mind

- Carry a Clear Quartz crystal with you

- Take care of yourself and practise some self care this weekend.


  • To make the most of this new moon, ask yourself:

What are my aspirations?

How do I get there?

What can I change so I can achieve the aforementioned?

How can I be kinder to my body?





PS: This new moon is squaring Mars in Gemini, be cautious of your emotions and do not dishonour + lie to yourself.

Focus on your throat chakra and ensure that you balance it.

Wear more blues, use crystals that resonate with it and do a lot of mindfulness meditation.

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🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Love how insightful and guiding the advice is. Thanks Nelz, missed your work during vacation mode 🫣


Thank you very much. You are loved ❤️


Definitely spot on, a lot that is mentioned is already happening.


Thanks a lot…I’m learning a lot from you🤗🥰


Thank you Nelzie


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