Shadow Work

Shadow Work

Healing/uncovering things in your subconscious. Your “dark side”, parts that we try to hide/deny. It is a practise of healing and self growth which is very beneficial to your spiritual growth & to help you be able to MANIFEST without any blockages.

1. Pay attention to the emotions you feel
◦What am I feeling?
◦Why am I feeling this?
Don’t force answers or jump to conclusions, sit with yourself and it will come to you.

2. Identify the shadow
Some shadow examples:
◦I am not good enough. 
◦I am unloveable.
◦I am flawed.
◦My feelings are not valid.
◦I must take care of everyone around me.
◦Why can’t I just be normal just like others?

3. Explore the shadow via:
- Journaling
- Write a letter to yourself and those that have hurt you, then burn it and forgive/surrender

The Projected Self
We often project our negative/positive traits onto others.

* Questions:
1. Are you accepting/tolerant of others?

What behaviors do you consider a “turn-off?
2. What can you do to give others the freedom to be themselves around you?
3. How do you feel when others don’t conform to your values, lifestyle, beliefs and/or ethics?

Are you judgemental or accepting?

What makes you unaccepting?
4. Think of something material that someone else has that you desire.

Do you ever feel jealous or envious of it?
5. Think of someone you judge often, someone whose characteristics bother you.
What do you do/think to prove that you aren’t like them?

Are there times when you are like them?

6. Who do you admire and why?

Do you possess any of the qualities you admire in the person?

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This made me realise that I am emotionally avoidant and dismissive to things that make me feel uncomfortable


This made me realise that I am emotionally avoidant and dismissive to things that make me feel uncomfortable


This made me realise that I am emotionally avoidant and dismissive to things that make me feel uncomfortable


Thank you. Have been struggling with some challenges


This has healed parts that I thought were never going to heal


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