Moon Phases 101

Moon Phases 101

Moon Phases 101

Each month the moon passes through 8 phases.

These phases are named after how much when the amount is increasing or decreasing.

The moon controls the ocean tides, influences our bodies and also has an affect on our minds.

Astrologically, depending on your zodiac sign and phase the moon was in during your birth, the moon forms a theme in your interactions with others.

It also heavily influences our response to our life events.

*New Moon (New Beginnings)

The human eye cannot identify the moon’s proper position during this time due to the fact that new moon blends in entirely with the darkness between the stars.

⁃It represents the menstrual cycle

⁃During this time, it controls our mind + emotions and makes us mimic it’s behaviour. Our awareness becomes darkened and hidden from view – especially around emotional and primal matters.
⁃It draws out specific experiences (external) & contemplations (internal) for us to go through.
⁃Your instinct become very sharp
⁃Everything is clouded in confusion
⁃Rest and regenerate

*Waxing Crescent (Set Intentions)

⁃As the sun starts moving closer to the new moon, it becomes illuminated again. A crescent appears, less than half illuminated, until it waxes or “grows bigger” into a first quarter moon.

⁃ It represents intention, hopes and wishes. After recharging under the new moon, your intentions and desires are ready to be planted.
-This is when you should be developing your intentions, burying crystals, scripting & laying the groundwork for your projects

*First Quarter (Action)

⁃The moon reaches the first quarter a week after the new moon.
⁃This is when we start to feel resistance and face obstacles
⁃Your first hurdles at achieving your goals are experienced here.
⁃The themes surrounding this moon are challenges, decisions and action.
⁃Think quickly and do not lose your temper easily
⁃Make a daily to do list

*Waxing Gibbous (Refine)

⁃A waxing moon is one phase away from becoming a full moon. It is easily seen during the day because a large portion of it is illuminated.
⁃The themes around this moon are adjustment, refining and editing.

⁃Things don’t always work out the way we plan them to and this phase helps you realize what you need to reevaluate, give up or change direction on.
⁃If you want to reap the benefits of the full moon, you need to make some sacrifices & surrender
⁃Don’t resist change


*Full Moon (Harvest)

⁃A full moon occurs when the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth. The light from the sun completely illuminates it, making the moon appear full on Earth.
⁃Brings heightened tension as we fight to find balance between two extremes.

⁃Emotions run high, it’s important not to get too emotional or attached to anything during this phase
⁃ Release and purge as much as you can

*Waning Gibbous (Grateful)

⁃After a full moon, the moon starts becoming less illuminated again, waning toward the last quarter moon, then finally, another new moon.
⁃The themes surrounding this moon are gratitude, sharing and enthusiasm.

⁃You should be seeing some outcomes from the intentions and goals you set
⁃You’ll be feeling full of love
⁃You’ll want to give back to those around you
⁃You’ll spend a lot

*Last Quarter (Release)
⁃The last quarter moon is the reverse process of the first quarter, making its way back to another new moon.
⁃The themes surrounding this moon are release, letting go and forgiveness.
⁃Like the moon gradually decreasing in size, you have to be ready to let go of stuff.
⁃Throughout the month you’ve been hurt, broken or angered in many ways. It's under this moon that you will let go of all grudges and release all anger.
⁃You must purge yourself to be able to receive the new intentions you will set again during the next new moon.
⁃Clean out your apartment, your closet, your friendships
⁃Get rid of anything that’s no longer serving you

*Waning Crescent (Surrender)
⁃The fraction of the moon that is illuminated is decreasing on its way to becoming a new moon.
⁃Surrender, rest, recuperate.
⁃You may feel empty during this time.
⁃You’ve gone through an entire moon cycle and things have come and gone — willingly or not.
⁃You are now getting ready to prepare for a new cycle and there is nothing wrong with resetting intentions — however, not during this moon.
⁃Relax and surrender.
⁃Some things will always be out of your control and fate must take its course.

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