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🌱 Health is Wealth

How To Program Your Crystals

How To Program Your Crystals

Crystals get their power once they're programmed or dedicated to a specific purpose of your choosing. The best time to do this is directly after you've cleared your stone:

  1. Hold the crystal in your hand. (Your left hand, preferably, since your left side is your receiving side.)
  2. Stand in natural light, either outside or next to a window.
  3. Say aloud, "I dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light."
  4. Then, program the crystal for a specific use. Think about what you want that crystal to support you with, whether it's landing a new job or speaking more kindly to yourself. While still holding the stone in your left hand, visualize and feel into what it would be like if you were to achieve that intention.
  5. Once you've envisioned the crystal's purpose, finish the process by saying aloud: "I dedicate this crystal for the [your purpose]."
  6. This is optional, but I also like to wear my stones on me for seven days to further connect with them. Personally, I find this is the best way to energize them.
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I would like to know if I can put my Smokey Quartz under my pillow


Good morning. I have two crystals. A Pyrite and citrine. How do I program them ? Should I hold them together same time when programming or separate?and how do I wear them or should I keep them in my pocket daily for seven days?
Thank you 😊 Love and Light

Yanga Makaluza

Thank you for this🙏🏼💙


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