Once we receive your order and confirm payment, we will pack your order and arrange for courier collection.
This process usually takes 3 - 7 business days.
These delivery times are provided as a guide and while we make every effort to expedite shipping, factors beyond our control may occasionally cause delays.
We do not process orders during weekends or public holidays.
Orders placed during sales have a 10 - 14 business day turnaround time starting from the day the sale ends.
Express shipping does not apply to or affect sale order processing times.
International orders will be sent out within 7 days of ordering, tracking details will be issued to you via email.
Any and all customs, taxes and duties are the responsibility of the customer to pay.
We strive to send your parcel to you safely and securely to ensure that it arrives to you in perfect condition, all of our parcels are adequately wrapped before shipping and we insist fragile stickers on the packages.
If you are nervous about your parcel getting lost please add the shipping/packing insurance to your order so we can insure it with the courier handling your package.
Lotus Pēs does not take liability for any lost or damaged parcels.
Once your order has been packed and sent, we will update you to let you know and provide you with your parcel tracking number. Please note that it can take 24 hours before your tracking number becomes active on the courier’s system, so don’t worry if your parcel doesn’t show up immediately.
Please refer back to our refund policy for orders that are incorrect.
While we hope that your shipping experience is a pleasant one, sometimes delays by the courier can happen.
Please note that we are not responsible for any delays you may experience in receiving your parcel.
We do not offer refunds based on delayed orders.
Our herbal products are crafted with natural ingredients and are designed to support overall wellness. However, we strongly recommend consulting a qualified healthcare professional or licensed physician before starting any new herbal regimen.
Individual health conditions, medications, and sensitivities can vary greatly.
Please note that our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The information provided on our website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Liability Notice:
Lotus Pēs is not held liable for any adverse reactions or effects that may occur from the use of our products. Clients are responsible for conducting their own research and ensuring the suitability of our products for their individual health needs before consumption.
We take every precautionary measure in crafting and shipping our products to maintain the highest quality and safety standards.
By purchasing and using our products, clients acknowledge and accept these terms.
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